Subject Matter: What to Include

Use this list to brainstorm ideas for your scholarship essays.

The following are a few categories to help get you thinking about what to include in your scholarship essay. I recommend brainstorming answers to all of the questions listed below. You can then look back through your responses and decide which ones will make for the most compelling and cohesive essay.

Some advice about brainstorming: don’t hold back! The point of a brainstorm is just to get as many ideas on the table as possible. Don’t self-edit or worry about details while you are brainstorming—just jot down whatever comes to mind. You will have plenty of opportunity to polish and edit later.

1.       Unique or influential life experiences

Examples: Did you move around a lot as a kid? Grow up in a non-traditional household? Have you lived or travel extensively abroad?

2.       Career goals

What type of career are you interested in pursuing? How do your current activities and plans for the scholarship funds play into these goals?

3.       Academic interests

What is your major? Why have you chosen this major? Are you studying any foreign languages?

4.       Diversity

Examples: What is your racial/ethnic/religious heritage? Do you have a disability or face unique challenges? Do you come from a historically underserved population? How have these factors impacted your life and your goals?

5.       Desired outcomes

Why have you decided to apply for this scholarship? What do you hope to achieve using the scholarship funds? What do you hope to get out of your study abroad experience?

Remember that your goal is to show your readers what makes you you and demonstrate that you are the best fit for the scholarship.