Sample Gilman Essay #3: England

The following is a sample of a successful Gilman essay submission. The student who wrote this essay was awarded a Gilman scholarship for her summer learning abroad program to London, England. Following the essay, I give a brief discussion of what I feel to be the strong points of this essay. 

*Note: Portions of this essay have been removed out of consideration for the privacy of the author


I am applying for the Gilman Scholarship in order to participate in the University of Utah London Street Scenes study abroad program. I am a University of Utah English major, and my focus is British Studies, particularly Romantic, Victorian, and Renaissance fiction. One of my goals for the future is to write historical fiction set in England, so this trip would certainly be an inspiration for me. I am a senior and will be graduating this summer semester. This study abroad program would fulfill all but one of my remaining upper division English credits as well as the International Requirement for my Bachelor of Arts degree. It would be the perfect finish for my English degree; it is a chance to experience in person the settings of the literature that I have been studying. But even more than that, the London Street Scenes program would be the most amazing experience of my life so far. I have always dreamed of going to England, but have never had the opportunity to travel before.

I am so hopeful that I can travel to England; I have always been enamored with British culture. In addition to my love for its literature, I find its history fascinating. I love so many things of British society, the art and architecture, tradition, linguistics, music, royalty, fashion, food, the stunning landscapes, and multicultural people. The past has always been interesting to me, and Britain has centuries more history than the United States. I think the people of Britain have a greater appreciation of their history and nature. For example, Londoners spend daily time in their city’s incredible parks or work in modern corporations housed in buildings designed by Christopher Wren. They have preserved these treasures, while in contrast, American historic buildings and natural places are often built over. I appreciate that the British place value on that beauty and that they seem to live with energy, optimism, and a celebration of their past and present. Any trip to London would be wonderful, but this program’s theme of Graphic London Street Scenes is perfect for me since it includes an exploration of the gothic city settings of Victorian novels. We will study Victorian and post-colonialist authors. I am also excited that the class will see a Shakespearean play at the Globe Theatre, visit Oxford University, and that we’ll live on the gorgeous campus of Regent’s College. In this program, the interactive class is given Mondays through Wednesdays, and the remainder of the week belongs to the students to pursue their own interests. If I’m able, I want to explore England a little, with train trips to see the incredible country sides of the Cumbrian Lake District and Yorkshire, and to visit Bath and Hampshire to explore the life of my favorite author, Jane Austen. However, experiencing the city of London would be more than enough for me. I am looking forward to visiting the London art galleries’ collections of my favorite Victorian artists, Turner and Constable, and the cathedrals and parks. I hope to see my two favorite musicals, “Les Misérables” and “Phantom of the Opera”, and to see a performance of the Royal Ballet. I am planning an individual research project about the role of London in the life and works of Jane Austen. While pursuing this research about my favorite author, I think it will just be fun to wander along the streets and absorb the city that has influenced so many creative minds. In this program, I will be one of a group of other U of U students and taught by U of U faculty. We will have access to the student facilities such as the cafeteria, library, and computers. I think that the familiarity, convenience, and security of that college environment will be helpful to me as a first time traveler.

With these circumstances, being a learning abroad student would be my first and only opportunity to travel, and scholarships are my only source of funding. Receiving the Gilman scholarship would make it possible for me to pay for the program cost. My trip would be a real example of the opportunities education can give. As soon as I graduate I am excited to begin working. I will need to find a job to support myself while I continue to work on my creative interests, including writing. This study abroad experience will be a valuable addition to my resume and something to discuss with potential employers. As excited as I am for my learning abroad program, I know that travel comes with challenges.  Everything about this travel experience will be new; I’ve never travelled away from home or even flown on a plane before.

Considering the obstacles I’ve had to face in my life, this trip would be a personal triumph, and I know I would return a stronger person. Doing something for the first time naturally makes me nervous, but my excitement is even more powerful than my nerves. I believe that I can handle the challenges, so completing this trip would give me the confidence and personal accomplishment of overcoming such emotional hardships. When I return it would mean so much to me to know that I made it to the place I’ve wanted to visit for so long.



Here are a few key aspects which made this essay a strong contender for the Gilman scholarship:

  1. This student spends a lot of time discussing the location of her program; she is very specific about what aspects have drawn her to the culture of London. Essay readers want to see that you have thoughtfully chosen a learning abroad program that is going to benefit you personally, academically, professionally; this essay is an excellent example of such a thoughtful selection.
  2. The opening paragraph of this essay is great; it is straight-forward, simple. Right from the beginning lines of this essay, the reader knows exactly what the author is about, why she wants to go abroad, and what her program will be like.
  3.  This student avoids vague phrases like “life changing,” “international experience,” and “cultural education,” and rather uses specifics about British culture, literature, and her research project as it relates to these things.